What We Do

At Indy Drone Rescue we exist to provide equipment (UAS/Drones) and FAA certified pilots to help with search and rescue flights while educating those we come into contact with throughout our communities. Indy Drone Rescue is a non-profit organization that also provides education around the use of unmanned aircraft systems for helping locate individuals who may be considered high risk.

Individuals, such as those on the autistic spectrum have an increased chance of running away or wandering off while not knowing the dangers they may face. We work to educate local and state first responders, parents and the general public about the use and capabilities of unmanned aircraft systems (or drones). We believe the use of UAS(Drones) will greatly increase the chances of positive outcomes for reuniting high risk individuals with their family members or first responders.

Indy Drone Rescue recognizes that flying unmanned aircraft vehicles (Drones) provides resources that are limited in most communities. Our resources provide search and rescue benefits to first responders and families to help locate missing high-risk individuals. Drones provide a quick and inexpensive vehicle to provide extra assets during time sensitive operations.

Indy Drone Rescue works to interact with organizations (private and public) to teach and train FAA Part 107 pilots in search and rescue operations. By showing the benefits of Drone use for search and rescue, rescuers are not placed in situations that may be considered hazardous or high risk when compared to the standard search and rescue.

Indy Drone Rescue is also working to establish a network of FAA Part 107 pilots to help provide volunteers and equipment to organizations within Indiana.

Drone flying over Fire Vehicle

We look forward to working in our communities to make them a safer place and showing the value UAV (Drones) can provide to the autism community.

Follow Our Journey

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Indy Drone Rescue

Indy Drone Rescue

So many times the Autism community lacks resources to help kids who runaway. In 2019, we launched our Non-Profit Organization to provide Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones) for search & rescue operations involving individuals on the Autism Spectrum.

3 weeks ago

Indy Drone Rescue
Merry Christmas from our family this holiday season. May it be filled with joy and happiness. ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Indy Drone Rescue
Merry Christmas from our family this holiday season. May it be filled with joy and happiness. 🎄 ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

Indy Drone Rescue
Take a look and share with your circle. Thanks!Here is the eligibility link for the study. redcap.uits.iu.edu/surveys?s=XAM7NXJTL4H39M9A ... See MoreSee Less
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